
Good neighbors, strong community

我们致力于在丹佛建立一个强大的社区, 通过关系和伙伴关系使每个人受益. 我们欢迎邻居到我们美丽的校园来参加公开讲座, 体育项目和艺术表演, 并使用我们的会议和活动空间.

Community 和 访问ors   会议日期 & 次

As the second-largest private, non-retail employer in Denver, we also invite neighbors to apply for open positions.

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We're Listening

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Email our Neighbor Liaison

事件 & 设施

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Pioneer 体育运动

抢一场比赛的门票,来为你的丹佛先锋队加油! Tickets for hockey, 长曲棍球, volleyball 和 all other NCAA sports are available online or at the 里奇中心 box office.

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纽曼中心 for the Performing 艺术

The 纽曼中心 hosts performances by internationally renowned musicians 和 performing artists, 以及ca88登录正确网址师生的独奏会和音乐会. Check out the 2017-2018 schedule 和 experience some of the best arts in Denver.


Coors Fitness Center

As a Coors Fitness Center member, 你可以去健身房,那里有自由举重器械和器械, treadmills 和 ellipticals for cardio, 和 a variety of group fitness classes. The Coors Fitness Center also houses a climbing wall 和 courts for racquet sports, 还有我们的奥林匹克标准游泳池和乔伊·伯恩斯竞技场, 哪一家提供游泳和滑冰的开放时间. 会员资格可以在线购买或打电话购买 303-871-7684.

Renting Event Space

Our campus is open for events, meetings 和 conferences for people outside the University community. 你可以在我们的许多学术和行政大楼租用房间, 我们的工作人员可以帮你策划一个校园会议. We even host weddings, taking advantage of our scenery 和 Colorado's natural beauty.

Make a reservation

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Find your way around campus

Navigate with our campus map.


Classes for 邻居


Enrichment Program

The Enrichment Program gives interested adults the opportunity to join our academic community through non-credit classes. A combination of short courses, 讲座, 研讨会, weekend intensives 和 evening classes cover topics ranging from science to contemporary issues to literature 和 the arts, 没有分数和考试的压力. Discuss subjects with peers 和 experts, deepen your underst和ing of the world 和 exp和 your knowledge 和 appreciation for topics old 和 new.


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Professional Development

Our Center for Professional Development provides local professionals with the skills 和 knowledge to keep them at the forefront of their fields. Exp和 your abilities, grow your network 和 meet other driven individuals who share your occupational pursuits in our professional development classes. In addition to University College, the Center for Professional Development offers classes in partnership with our Graduate School of Social Work, the Morgridge College of Education 和 the Graduate School of Professional Psychology.



Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute is a learning membership program designed for men 和 women age 50 和 better who wish to pursue learning in a non-competitive atmosphere. 我们的成员来自不同的背景, are actively involved in selecting the topics explored 和 serve as both teachers 和 learners. 课程由专家授课,涵盖广泛的学科. 互动式学习小组意味着没有人会长期做一个陌生人, 许多人在结束课程后留下了长久的友谊.


Family Programs & 营地

  • 体育营

    We host a wide range of camps throughout the summer for young athletes looking to boost their skills 和 compete at a higher level. Head basketball coach Rodney Billups leads basketball camps for athletes up through the high school level, 我们其他NCAA球队的教练在几乎所有其他运动项目中都有训练营. 你既可以报名参加夜间夏令营,也可以报名参加日间夏令营.

    Register for a camp

  • 照顾孩子 & Early Education

    The Fisher Early Learning Center, 是莫里奇教育学院的一部分, provides care 和 educational programming for children from infancy through preschool. Guided by research, the center uses a play-based format to support child development 和 individual needs. 欢迎各种技能和能力的孩子. Due to the center's reputation, 座位很快就满了,请尽早联系费舍尔加入我们的包容性, nurturing community.


  • 学前教育 & Middle School Education

    为那些在传统方法之外学得最好的孩子量身定制, the Ricks Center for Gifted Children offers year-round programming for preschool to middle school students. Through small class sizes, 引人入胜的课程和个性化的关注, Ricks challenges students while ensuring their success both within 和 beyond the classroom. The school calendar includes optional day camps 和 summer camps to accommodate busy family schedules.

    Learn more about Ricks

  • Summer Music Academy

    Our Lamont School of Music Summer Academy is a 15-day music experience for composers, instrumentalists 和 singers ages 14–18. 学校教师和世界著名音乐家授课, 举办私人课程,指导学生完成最后的独奏会. +, students can enjoy supervised on- 和 off-campus recreational activities to get a taste of life at DU.


运输 & 停车


运输 & 方向

我们的校园位于丹佛南部,就在I-25和大学大道旁边. 你可以很容易地通过公共交通工具到达校园. 校园附近有一个RTD轻轨站, 方便前往丹佛市中心和机场. 我们甚至在校园附近有汽车共享服务和B-Cycle站.



停车 on campus is available at hourly rates or by permit, depending on which lot you choose. If you're visiting campus for an event, you can use any of our paid lots in the neighborhood. 许可证可通过停车和移动服务购买.



丹佛地区的几家旅馆为我们的客人提供特价. 如果你想在学校附近找住处的话, be sure to check out our hotel list 和 ask for the DU rate when you reserve your room.

Community Involvement


We collected feedback from our neighbors during the formation of our new 总体规划, a far-reaching plan that will help us grow as a university 和 a community within Denver. Based on DU 影响2025, our University-wide strategic plan, 我们正在努力建立一个包括社区所有人的杜学区. Learn about our progress 和 future projects as we aim to bolster all our community members 和 friends.


development projects
Local Development Projects

Inspired by 影响2025, we're identifying 项目 和 projects to enhance the area surrounding DU. We're seeking input from our neighbors as we strive to create an environment that supports our shared goals.



The 杜书店, located in the Driscoll Student Center, offers a wide range of Pioneer gear, as well as new 和 used textbooks, 小吃和最新的电脑技术在校园苹果商店.

If you're looking for gifts or DU gear, the bookstore should be your first stop. From shirts 和 athletic wear to flags, blankets 和 glassware, there's nowhere better to find authentic merch和ise for the Pio fan in your life. DU书店还提供一系列苹果产品, 通常为教育工作者和学生打九折.

探索 the Bookstore

雇主 & Local 企业


Partner with Us

如果你是当地企业的一部分,你想与DU合作, 请与我们的社区联络员联系. We're always looking for new ways to collaborate with our community, 和 we'd love to hear from you.



如果你是雇主,想为杜学生招聘工作或实习机会, 你可以在我们的先锋职业页面上找到你的空缺职位. 我们的学生和校友使用这个数据库来寻找就业机会, so it's perfect if you are seeking talented individuals to contribute to your goals.



We're always looking for talented people to join us at the faculty, staff 和 administrative levels. 我们是一个包容的社区,我们欢迎来自各行各业的申请人. 看看我们的工作列表,看看有什么机会.
